Fitting Quiz
Fitting Quiz

Make Pattern Fitting the Easiest Part of Sewing!
Is YES one of your answers?
Take this Fitting Quiz and find out:
1. Do you think you've tried almost every fitting solution?
2. Do you think you have the most impossible figure in the world to fit?
3. Do you automatically think you are always 'hard to fit'?
4. Are you one size on top and a different size on the bottom?
5. Do clothing and sewing patterns generally not fit as you'd like them to?
6. Do you sew for everyone else, but not for yourself?
7. Have you given up personal sewing in favor of craft & quilting projects due to fitting concerns?
8. Do you still want to sew clothes to fit your unique body shape and size?
9. Would you like to have a pattern that literally 'blueprints' your unique shape in less than 1 hour?
10. Do you want to look good and have many fashion choices with your wardrobe?
If you answered YES to even ONE of these questions,
then say YES! to the perfect solution to achieve the best-fitting clothes possible for your body shape - the Sure-Fit Designs™ system of pattern fitting and designing.
To see more Discounted Combos - click here
Just browse through the site...
Just try one of the pattern fitting kits...
Just Imagine...a pattern that fits exclusively you!!
Let the result speak for itself.